We need on average from several days to 1 month to provide you with administrator’s access to your card payment acceptance and processing system. You can find more information about our white label payment gateway setup in one month.
The white label payment gateway is yearly certified with PCI DSS Level 1, the highest level for systems working with card payments.
Data exchange with the system is performed through secure communication channels. All confidential data inside the system are encrypted.
Once your clients indicate the periodicity and amount they are willing to deduct from their buyers’ cards,
the payment gateway will manage it automatically.
It is a perfect solution for websites selling access to the content via subscription.
A token is a specific identifier with which the card number is replaced. The token can be stored on the merchant’s side. If a token is used it is impossible to restore the card number. Tokens are safer.
A token enables the merchant’s permanent clients to make payments without entering payment details.
Role model of authority distribution for employees
of a Payment service Provider:
Backoffices for employees of the Payment Service
Provider and merchants.
Fraud protection and risk management at the
store/merchant/Payment Service Provider level.
Automatic transaction routing.
Conditional and unconditional cascade processing
of payment transactions.
Dedicated team consisting of:
The team for the implementation of the project can be
quickly reinforced if needed.
Maintenance of the processing system after the launch: